Friday, October 22, 2010

Rotating pear tree production Xiangjie

Recently a very popular online Flash MV - "a Pear Tree", a friend read this praise, especially for titles pear tree is full of poetic tree is wow, we invited the Best Animation Studios, Wei Miao front to the pear tree we explain the production process.

Authoring tool: Photoshop6, 3ds max 5, Flash MX

Production effect chart

First of all, pear tree, with the effect of Photoshop6.0 production plan to produce in the application of 3D software, pear tree, 360 掳 rotation when there is a sentimental reference. Skill is not enough time not to make 3D software in a vacuum, so shaped not only to grasp, but also to grasp God. The author recommends making three pear tree view (front view, side view, top view) to make more accurate 3D modeling (Figure 1).

3D Modeling

Into the 3ds max 5, polygon modeling method by using three-dimensional triangle pulled out a trunk, note that when modeling and renderings were repeated. Upon completion of the basic modeling functions make use of Meshsmooth trunk smooth, Iterations value set to 2, Smoothness value is set to 1.0 (Figure 2).

Production of leaves

Particle system with Pcloud produced white leaves, and its effect conferred Lens Effects of Glow. Size value is set to 0.5; intensity value set to 80; Occlusion value set to 100; Use Source Colour values set to 10; tree leaves also make use of Pcloud particle system, the color tone is green, the same given Glow effect (Figure 3 ).


Cartoon Rendering Simulation

In order to simplify the production, we use the materials to make objects appear from the glow effect of the print cartoons in the Standard material, the selection Blinn, and the Self-Illumination of the Colour is set to 100, according to results within Diffuse color map to adjust to tree trunks, leaves and leaf color chart with the results match.

Ground on the background of the animation (pink) and under (yellow) and color formation of the transition, we can use Photoshop to produce a background image, JPG or BMP format can be, and then through the 3ds max 5 Rendering feature set within the context map into 3ds max 5 inside; method volume bar in the Common Parameters Gouxuan Use Map, click the button below the pop-up Material / Map Browser bar, select Bitmap and then browse to the background image (Figure 4).

Rotation animation

Build lighting Lights, we use Omni type, select the Create the Omni, and in the Modify panel, check the Shadows On.

Splines under established a Circle, with its walking path as camera. The pear tree in the center of a circle placed on the Circle Office, Circle requirements than the diameter of a large pear tree.

Established under the virtual objects Helpers Dummy Object, named BoxGizmo01, and placed in the center of a circle Circle Office Circle horizontal direction is higher than required, placed inside the pear tree.

The establishment of cameras Cameras, we use Target type. Motion panel through the Assign Controller button and select the Path Constraint function for the Cameras, choose Add Path, pick up as the camera motion path Circle, in the Look At Parameters Volume column, select the Pick Target, pick up virtual objects BoxGizmo01, align the lens and bind BoxGizmo01 . At this point, the camera has been able to walk around a circle along the Circle. Circle and BoxGizmo01 by adjusting the position, so that pear tree in the normal movement within the lens (Figure 5).

Output animation

Select Render Scene, Render Scene dialog box pops up, Time Output Select Range 0 To 100 (the total number of frames for the animation, adjust the number of frames you need)

In the Output Size Width and Height within the parameters of adjustment to get to the size of the output in the Render Output in check Save, click the Files pop-up dialog box, select AVI type, click Setup, in order to control the size of AVI file suitable for the network, we propose Select MPEG-4 type. Click Render complete the animation output.

It is noteworthy that the number of frames AVI and Flash animation frames required to be consistent, 3ds max 5 through the interface in the lower right corner of the Time Configuration button to set the number of frames, select Custom, the FPS value adjusted to within the 25 (think magic animation application 25 frames / second production quality).

銆??Flash MX鍐呯殑甯ф暟璁剧疆鍦∕odify鍐呴?鎷?Ducument寮瑰嚭瀵硅瘽妗嗭紝璋冩暣Frame Rate鍐呮暟鍊笺?


銆??杩愯Flash MX锛岄?杩嘑ile Import瀵煎叆鍒朵綔濂界殑AVI鏂囦欢锛孖mport Video Settings鍐咃紝Quality鏁板?璁剧疆涓?0锛孠eyframe interval鏁板?璁剧疆涓?5锛孲cale涓?00銆?br />
銆??鐩存帴鐢‵lash MX杈撳嚭SWF鍚庯紝Flash鍔ㄧ敾銆婁竴鏍戞ⅷ鑺便?鍐呯殑姊ㄨ姳鏍戞棆杞篃灏卞埗浣滃畬姣曚簡銆傛?涔堟牱鎵嶈兘鍒朵綔鍑哄ソ鍔ㄧ敾锛熺敤蹇冨幓鍋氬惂銆?br />


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